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20 - 24 May 2024
Click on the icon to download a PDF of the information below.
The single venue is the Marrara Indoor Stadium. It is an air-conditioned venue with ample seating and parking spaces for all dancers.
Dance sessions are: Thursday evening (Trail-In Dance), Friday afternoon (Rounds only), Friday evening (Opening Ceremony), Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening (Dressed Set Parade), Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening (Closing Ceremony), Monday morning (Clogging only), Monday afternoon, Monday evening (Theme night and Trail Out Dance).
Please fill your registration form out clearly in pen and ensure all details are legible. Non dancers should also register in order to receive a ribbon. There is no charge for non-dancers. A $10 fee per registration form will be charged for cancellations after 31 March 2021. All cancellations to be in writing to: The Registrar, 62 Australian National Square Dance Convention, Kaye Chandler, PO Box 294, Glenorchy TAS 7010
Due to the logistics of this Convention, no registration packs will be posted in advance. These will be available for collection at Marrara Indoor Stadium from 2.00 to 5.00pm on Thursday 24 June and prior to each session.
A registration fee of $60 will be charged for junior dancers aged 18 and under and/or child minding (children under 12 only). Child Minding will only be available for evening dances from 7.00pm. Only children registered for child minding will be allowed to use the child minding facilities. Please register for child minding before 28 February 2021. Health and dietary request forms will be forwarded to parents before the Convention to be completed before the child/children go into the crèche.
Monday night’s theme is “DREAM ONCE MORE”. Dress as your dream – maybe you dreamed of being something special when you were younger, or you have a dream destination in mind that you want to dress for – let your imagination take flight!
Thanks to a generous grant from the Northern Territory, we are able to offer dancers a Welcome Sunset Function under the stars at the Darwin Trailer Boat Club (8 Atkins Drive, Fannie Bay) on Wednesday 23 June. Enjoy “Cocktails and Canapés” while watching the sun set over Fannie Bay. Please indicate on the Registration Form if you are able to attend. This is for both dancers and non-dancers. Please RSVP on the registration form before 31 May 2021, for catering purposes.
Callers and Cuers who are interested in being programmed must register as dancers as well as completing the Caller/Cuer registration form. Closing date for Callers and Cuers is 31 January 2021.
Registration does not guarantee a call or cue at this convention.
Clubs wishing to be included in the Dressed Set Parade on Saturday evening must provide relevant details on the registration form prior to 30 April 2021.
The draft program will be available on the website: after May 31, 2021. Please also refer to that website for other information regarding the convention. It will be updated on a regular basis.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available at all sessions at no cost to the dancers.
There is plenty of parking at the venue, with security lighting.
Booth space will be available at the stadium at a cost of $50 for one table. Please indicate on the Registration Form if you will be requiring a booth at the convention. Neither the 62nd Convention Committee nor the Management of Marrara Indoor Stadium accept any responsibility for any loss of or damage to goods in booths.
We welcome advertising in our Program Booklet at a cost of $50 for a full page (95mm x 138mm). Please complete the appropriate section on the Registration Form. Artwork should be emailed in PDF or JPEG format no later than 28 February 2021 to Inclusion of advertisements is at the discretion of the committee.
• Smoking is not permitted inside the venue or within 10 metres of any doorway.
• Shoes of less than 25 mm or 1” square are not permitted on the floor.
• Single session tickets are not available.
• Only registered dancers, registered visitors, and crèche children are covered by Public Liability Insurance.
• Convention ribbons are to be worn at all times.
• Correct Square Dance attire must be worn at all times other than the theme night and demonstrations.
• No unmanned tripods to be left on the floor
• No-one may reserve seats at a National Square Dance Convention.
Darwin has many accommodation options, from five-star luxury hotels and wilderness resorts to safari camps, apartments, motels, caravan parks and backpacker hostels. Please remember that accommodation can fill quickly in the busy seasons so it pays to book your accommodation well in advance. Click here to see further information.
We have discounted accommodation at Frontier Hotel, H on Mitchell and H on Smith. When booking use code SQD0800. Click here to see separate details regarding the Halikos Group accommodation packages, booking form and further information.
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